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May 8, 2012 / meghanmcn

It’s Not Whether You Win or Lose


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  1. mlcstratford / May 8 2012 17:06

    While I did not feel any emotion when I studied this photo essay, I nevertheless appreciate the artistic elements at play within each image.
    The essay documents a period of time during a sporting event, probably football. The camera focuses more on the blue team than the red time, but it is not clear whether the blue team or the red team is winning, nor is it clear which team wins in the end. This corresponds to the title of the essay, “It’s not about winning or losing”.

    I think this essay would be improved if a greater variety of angles were used. As it is, the essay consists arguably of only shots taken straight on from a middling to close distance to the players. However, the viewer is not shown any particular player; we do not see faces expressing emotion or, indeed, any other form of body language. Only two shots focus on something other than the players — the field and the football — which, while relative to the subject, is not especially interesting or surprising.

  2. naturallyphresh / May 8 2012 17:48

    I liked all of the action shots of this photo essay. I think you were successful at capturing the energy of the game using different shots and angle styles. The only photo that I felt was out of place was the one of the empty field and score board. I think the lack of action put a halt of the energy of the game in the middle of the photo essay. I think if a photo like this were to be placed in the photo essay, it should be placed at the end. While the photo you took appeared to be the half-time score, I think maybe the final score should be put at the end if you wanted a photo of the score to be put in the photo essay.

    Overall, this was a well put together photo essay, nicely done!

  3. manzanitamcm / May 8 2012 18:10

    This is a photo essay about a football game, suggesting that winning or losing are less important than the thrill of actually playing football. The essay uses seven different images that depict the game at various stages, to show the progression of it.

    The action in these images is what I really liked, and I think you did an excellent job of capturing that energy and movement in these images. The shots are bright, clean, and simple, but the action within the game keeps the viewer interested.

    I think your theme comes across very well, because instead of focusing on the winning or losing team, you make a central focal point of the game itself, which fits the idea that these guys are playing for the fun of it.

    I think you did well in executing your essay, and I have no suggestions for making it better, except to maybe add short captions by each photo that serve to enhance the sense of energy and excitement, maybe even short phrases a sports announcer would say during that particular time in the game.
    You did a great job!

  4. dariushedayati / May 8 2012 18:19

    In this photo essay Meghan used a football game as a way to portray competition. She used different shots some that were zoomed in and others that were from farther away or from different angles. I really enjoyed this photo essay because I am a huge fan of sports. Football is probably my favorite sport to watch as well so this really was up my alley. I also really liked the title of the work even though it is something we’ve heard over and over again.

    Although each picture served a different purpose, I especially liked three of them. The first one I liked was of the scoreboard. I always feel like pictures of scoreboards are very symbolic and mysterious, you don’t know how it happened, but that’s the result. The next photo I liked was of the team huddled up. Team sports are something that can be truly just as emotional and physical. I feel that this picture shows that. The last photo I really liked was the one of the football on the turf by its loan some. It is a powerful yet simple ending. Overall good job and great shots.

  5. carlosvera55 / May 8 2012 18:37

    I enjoy the sequence of the images. There is some sort of pattern with some images having no inherent actions while others do. I commend the color in the photos, and I like that there is a chronology to the photo essay. It starts with both on opposite lines, then in the second image there our in full throttle, the third image we can see that one team is leading the other, so each team huddles and creates a strategy to win, lastly they are back in action, and in the last pic we see all the players exiting the field. Overall, great photo essay.

  6. louviq / May 8 2012 18:48

    This photo essay is a great action/sport piece of journalism. I like the way each picture has something special: the first one shows the teams face to face, in a defying attitude, and one can feel the excitation of the pre-game. In the second shot, you had a great action shot. In the third, you took a shot of the empty field but the sign with the score reminds us this is a competition. The fourth shot is great because of the concentrated face of the coach, and express very weel the team spirit of the competition. The fifth is again a great action picture, but with a larger angle this time. Also the ongoing action is interesting as the players are gonna fall, I like how it makes you feel that you see this extremely short moment when they are suspended in the air just before to hit the ground, what you could not see without the camera. The sixth is my favorite, because you have eerything: the two opposite players, the ball that is coming, and a lot of suspense because only looking at the shot you cannot really know who jumped first and who is gonna win the ball, because the hands are so close and at the same level. The last picture is funny because it seems that the ball is abandoned, what contrasts with the attention it as in the other pictures.

    I think you suceeded in doing a good sport journalism kind of photo essay, as youhave a variety of shots, angles, closups, etc. My only question is “where is the blood?” I am kidding but reading your production journal first I was expecting this one bloody shot, but is seems that this time nobody was hurt.

  7. fledzeppelin / May 8 2012 21:06

    Very cool photo essay! This essay presents some great photos of a fag football game at AU. The photos capture different elements of the game–the action, the anticipation, the tension, and the camaraderie. The photos are very detailed and very well composed. Almost all the photos use line, either from the field, the scoreboard, or the horizon, to divide the photo into thirds, thereby following the Rule of Thirds and creating visually appealing composition.
    My emotional reaction to this essay is one of excitement and a desire to go outside and play football. This essay captures competition in a good-natured, sportsmanlike form. Great project!

  8. Candice Hardie / May 9 2012 11:15

    I think you did a nice job on your photo essay. I like that you tell the story of a football game. A football game is full of action, and emotion, and I think that you capture that in your shots. My only suggestion would be to have a little more fun with the camera. I would’ve liked to see you try to use some different angles to further highlight the action and emotion in the game. I think that would’ve produced more dynamic shots. My favorite shot is the second photo, mostly because I am surprised that you were able to capture that moment. It’s the perfect shot to show the essence of the game. Overall, I think you did a good job.

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