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May 8, 2012 / meghanmcn

Notes on the Photographs

All photos were taken with a Nikon Coolpix S9100 and edited in iPhoto. I used the enhance feature for each photograph. I normally don’t like the results with this feature, and normally click on it and undo it, but for this project I thought the feature actually did make a positive difference in my images. I then spent further time which each specific photograph changing different elements until I was satisfied with the results. I will detail the exact changes photograph by photograph. All of the levels start at zero (except for saturation, whose default is 50), so if I do not mention a particular element it was because it remained unchanged for that photograph.

Saturation: 57
Definition: 23
Highlights: 15
Temperature: 1

Exposure: .40
Contrast: 8
Saturation: 56
Highlights: 11
Shadows: 20
Sharpness: 6
Temperature: 2

Exposure: .12
Contrast: 20
Saturation: 57
Highlights: 56
Shadows: 17
De-noise: 22
Temperature: 2

Contrast: 24
Definition: 16
Sharpness: 29

Exposure: .79
Contrast: 11
Saturation: 57
Definition: 23
Highlights: 9
Temperature: 2

Exposure: .24
Contrast: 24
Saturation: 56
Definition: 12
Highlights: 10
Sharpness: 23
Temperature: 2

Exposure: .28
Contrast: 13
Saturation: 54
Definition: 20
Highlights: 31
Temperature: 2

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